Hi All,
I'm developing a speech recognition application using MS VS2008 C# language. I have developed it correctly and it captures only the words i filter using below code. So only when the application is run, my voice is detected by the OS. Once I close the application i can't handle any of the windows control. So this what i need and it is done in Windows XP with SDK 5.1.
But now i'm using Windows 7 and this speech recognition is an inbuilt part in there. So i dont want to install any packages like SDK... But the problem that i'm having over there is, when i run the application it is not only responds the application commands but it responds whatever i say and mess up everything. For an example, sometimes it closes the application,prompt help menus likewise......So i want to disable this feature and i just want OS to responds only my commands which are defined in the application @ run time. I tried disable this inbuilt application once, but then my application didn't respond at all. So i think it should be there and i need to say OS to respond only commands available in the application.
I think now you clear about my problem. I think the people who use windows 7 face this issue.
If anybody can please give me a help. It will be a big help for me.
// Sample code for your reference
class voiceRecognition
SpSharedRecoContext objRecoContext = null;
ISpeechRecoGrammar grammar = null;
ISpeechGrammarRule menuRule = null;
public string text1 = "";
public string text2 = "";
public voiceRecognition()
objRecoContext = new SpeechLib.SpSharedRecoContext();
// Assign a eventhandler for the Hypothesis Event.
objRecoContext.Hypothesis += new _ISpeechRecoContextEvents_HypothesisEventHandler(Hypo_Event);
// Assign a eventhandler for the Recognition Event.
objRecoContext.Recognition += new
//Creating an instance of the grammer object.
grammar = objRecoContext.CreateGrammar(0);
//Activate the Menu Commands.
menuRule = grammar.Rules.Add("MenuCommands", SpeechRuleAttributes.SRATopLevel | SpeechRuleAttributes.SRADynamic, 1);
object PropValue = "";
menuRule.InitialState.AddWordTransition(null, "Go", " ", SpeechGrammarWordType.SGLexical, "Go", 1, ref PropValue, 1.0F);
menuRule.InitialState.AddWordTransition(null, "Brake", " ", SpeechGrammarWordType.SGLexical, "Brake", 2, ref PropValue, 1.0F);
menuRule.InitialState.AddWordTransition(null, "Reverse", " ", SpeechGrammarWordType.SGLexical, "Reverse", 3, ref PropValue, 1.0F);
menuRule.InitialState.AddWordTransition(null, "Hand", " ", SpeechGrammarWordType.SGLexical, "Hand", 4, ref PropValue, 1.0F);
menuRule.InitialState.AddWordTransition(null, "Exit", " ", SpeechGrammarWordType.SGLexical, "Exit", 5, ref PropValue, 1.0F);
menuRule.InitialState.AddWordTransition(null, "Menu", " ", SpeechGrammarWordType.SGLexical, "Menu", 6, ref PropValue, 1.0F);
menuRule.InitialState.AddWordTransition(null, "Left", " ", SpeechGrammarWordType.SGLexical, "Left", 7, ref PropValue, 1.0F);
menuRule.InitialState.AddWordTransition(null, "Right", " ", SpeechGrammarWordType.SGLexical, "Right", 8, ref PropValue, 1.0F);
menuRule.InitialState.AddWordTransition(null, "Straight", " ", SpeechGrammarWordType.SGLexical, "Straight", 9, ref PropValue, 1.0F);
grammar.CmdSetRuleState("MenuCommands", SpeechRuleState.SGDSActive);
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
private void Reco_Event(int StreamNumber, object StreamPosition, SpeechRecognitionType RecognitionType, ISpeechRecoResult Result)
text1 = Result.PhraseInfo.GetText(0, -1, true);
private void Hypo_Event(int StreamNumber, object StreamPosition, ISpeechRecoResult Result)
text2 = Result.PhraseInfo.GetText(0, -1, true);
Thank you,