I have Dedicated Server
My server operating system is Windows server 2012R2 64bit
I installed Microsoft Speech Platform - Runtime (Version 11)
file name "x64_MicrosoftSpeechPlatformSDK\MicrosoftSpeechPlatformSDK.msi"
and i am put my application in IIS8 in server
and when i am running my
asp.net MVC4 application from domain
it give error like
PlatformNotSupportedException: Speech Recognition is not available on this system. SAPI and Speech Recognition engines cannot be found.
at Microsoft.Speech.Internal.SapiInterop.SapiRecognizer..ctor(RecognizerType type)
at Microsoft.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognitionEngine.Initialize(RecognizerInfo recognizerInfo)
at Microsoft.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognitionEngine..ctor()
at Easyconference.Controllers.MeetingController.<TranslateSpeech>d__d.MoveNext() in c:\MyApp\name\Controllers\
Please help me.