
TextBox Validation From Database

IN Form1 user enter the car names e.g(HONDA, TOYOTA, BMW....) which same in the Table1. In the Form2 user enter the colour e.g(BLACK, WHITE, SILVER which  save in the Table2. In the Form3, i want when user try to write wrong spelling " HONDX  "in the textbox, new help form which have data from Table1 user select from there then go to the other textbox.
But if user write the correct spelling " HONDA " in the text box no help form shows just go to the other text box.
Please tell me how i validate TextBox data from the DataBase table.
Answers (2)
Shahzada Mukhtar

Shahzada Mukhtar

NA 3 0 14y
IN Form1 user enter the car names e.g(HONDA, TOYOTA, BMW....) which same in the Table1. In the Form2 user enter the colour e.g(BLACK, WHITE, SILVER which  save in the Table2. In the Form3, i want when user try to write wrong spelling " HONDX  "in the textbox, new help form which have data from Table1 user select from there then go to the other textbox.
But if user write the correct spelling " HONDA " in the text box no help form shows just go to the other text box.
Please tell me how i validate TextBox data from the DataBase table.
 winforms-autocomplete-textbox  cant full fill my problem. Auto Complete just show suggestion but user can enter any thing else. I want user bound to enter the same name that the help was show.
Please tell me about that.

Amit Choudhary

Amit Choudhary

NA 27.7k 3m 14y
hi friend,

you can use auto complete text box feature to prevent the wrong entries..

Go through the following article winforms-autocomplete-textbox

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