
Through C# Application (don't use ASP.NET )-It is a stand alone) how to give the 30 days application warrenty for a project.

pandu sweety

pandu sweety


I am using Excel sheet to metion the "Warrenty Dates"
Issue Date: 01/06/09   and Last Date is 30/06/09.
I have to retrieve  the values from the Excel sheet to "DataGridView".  Just for Date conformations.
When the date is out of date ---Popup some alert information saying that"Your Duration Time over"
May be before one week..It can be only "one week u have  to update "  Like that.
Excel sheet colums are
:Item,Money,Issue Date,Expire Date,Duration date.
Can any one help me rgarding this.
Advance  Thanks for the Best Reply.
I got the Excel data into Datagrid view .
But after that how to compare the valid dates is not getting.
any idea!
Pls. let me know.
Advance Thanks.
Can anyone help on this pls.