
Video playback via DirectShow in c# ...?

Olli TheClash

Olli TheClash

Hello c# community!
First of all: I am a beginner in c# and need some help to find the right information / a starting point.
I would like to create a video playback software wich plays the video on a second screen. I want to realize it as a windows forms project.
I already got the media player com object to run in my application but t seems to be a bit limited - for example changing the aspect ratio manually is not possible, no further processing (like color corrections, scaling etc..).
So it seems  to be nessessary to get deeper in coding. I think directshow (GraphEditor..) would be verry interesting to me, but i can't find something like a tutorial how to implement it in c#. When i search for directshow and c# a only find c++ directshow examples. Are there some keywords or any code example to understand how to get forward at this point? So just.. how to read a file, parse and render it via some plugins und  and so force..
The only thing i found was this 12 years old article: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/2632/DirectShow-MediaPlayer-in-C   As he uses some kind of a visualBasic Wrappe i dont know if this is state of the art....?
Thanks a lot for helping me - and every comment is welcome!
Answers (1)