In a VB.NET 2008 desktop application, I need to add some initial selections with a corresponding button to the 'main' form, before any of the normal processing is allowed to occur. Thus due to that fact, I have the following questions to ask:
1. This application is using a System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu and I would like the 'File' option to not display until the 'new' button is clicked? If this is possible, would you showe me the code for this to occur?
2. If option #1 is not possible, is there a way to make System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu not display until the the 'new' button is clicked? If this is possible, would you show me the code for this to occur?
3. In this application there is code that adds menu items with logic like,
" MainMenu1.MenuItems(0).MenuItems.Add("New Item", New EventHandler(AddressOf ClickHandler))
MainMenu1.MenuItems(0).MenuItems.Add("-") ".
Is there a way to modify the order of list of menuitems after the menu items have already been created? Would I need to delete the menuitems at that point and create the menuitems again? Thus would you show me the code for this option and/or let me know if this option is not possible?