
visual studio 2010 utilizing prefer access 2016/ access 2013



On a workstation that uses office 2016 and Visual Studio 2010 and uses access 2016, I want to be able to add a reference to access 2016 within the Visual studio 2010 enviroment. When I look at the following link below:
it is saying to find a path like: C:\Program Files\ Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 \ Visual Studio Tools for Office \ PIA \ Office14 \ for excel.
However I know that I want office 2016 which is version 16.
Thus can you tell me the following:
1. Where on my existing computer can I find a reference to access 2016 under visual studio 2010?
2. If this does not exist, can you tell me where I download a dll that where access 2016 can be utilized by visual studio 2010?
3. If this does not exist, can you tell me what version of office that I can use in visual studio 2010 to utilize some version of access?
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