
WCF dataContracts and LINQ to SQL

Jason Addique

Jason Addique

Aug 16 2010 2:32 PM
Iam trying to create a basic WCF service library web service which connects to a database via LINQ to SQL and returns list of DataContract marked objects but I keep recieving this error:

Error    1    Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable<CwkServer.getCarDetails>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<CwkServer.getCarDetails>'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)    C:\Users\Cameron\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\CwkServer\CwkServer\CwkService.cs    34    22    CwkServer

I feel its just a basic error on my part but cant see it. Here is my code

       public List<getCarDetails> getDetails()
           List<getCarDetails> details = from list in db.Listings
                     select new getCarDetails
                         CarName = list.CarType.CarTypeName,
                         NumDoors = list.CarType.NumberOfDoors,
           return details;


    public class getCarDetails
        string carName;
        int numDoors;

        public string CarName
            get { return carName; }
            set { carName = value; }

        public int NumDoors
            get { return numDoors; }
            set { numDoors = value; }

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, kind of hit a brick wall with it now


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