
Webservices with JSON response format

I am creating web services in my asp.net project and getting result in the format of JSON. First webmethod is working is fine but in second one i am getting no value in JSON array.
Can any one suggest me something?
<WebMethod()> _
<ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Json, UseHttpGet:=True)> _
Public Function GetStudentJSON(sname As String) As String
Dim sqlStr As String = "Select * from vw_Student where SName like '%" & sname & "%' "
Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = ExecuteQuery_ExecuteReader(sqlStr)
Dim student As New List(Of Student)()
While myReader.Read
student.Add(New Student() With { _
.SID = myReader("SID"), _
.RegNo = myReader("RegNo"), _
.SName = myReader("SName")})
End While
Return New JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(student)
End Function
<WebMethod()> _
<ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Json, UseHttpGet:=True)> _
Public Function GetParentJSON(SID As Integer) As String
Dim sqlStr As String = "Select * from ParentLogins where SID = '" & SID & "' "
Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = ExecuteQuery_ExecuteReader(sqlStr)
Dim student As New List(Of Student)()
While myReader.Read
student.Add(New Student() With { _
.SID = myReader("SID"), _
.RegNo = myReader("RegNo"), _
.SName = myReader("SName")})
End While
Return New JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(student)
i am using a student class in this. 
Answers (1)
Ankit Sharma

Ankit Sharma

NA 8.8k 140.9k 7y
Hi Rahul,
Please check if the table has data or not by running this query in DB
Select * from ParentLogins where SID = '" & SID & "' "