What is the purpose of MVC?
I know about little bit of MVC details.why it is used.suggest some simple and understandable tutorials.if any difference uses of mvc.Means i am working in .net Developer.i used asp.net,C#,Javascript,jquery.how mvc will help to works.(sorry For Bad english) :)
Answers (9)
'this' is Pointer not operator ..
by operator overloading mechanism you can overload operators only not the pointers Here is list of operator that is over loadable ...
+ |
- |
* |
/ |
% |
^ |
& |
| |
~ |
! |
, |
= |
< |
> |
<= |
>= |
++ |
-- |
<< |
>> |
== |
!= |
&& |
|| |
+= |
-= |
/= |
%= |
^= |
&= |
|= |
*= |
<<= |
>>= |
[] |
() |
-> |
->* |
new |
new[] |
delete |
delete[] |