check below link . It will help you .
IsPostBack is read only property.
it return true if the page is being loaded in response to a client postback; else set to false. for example if i have page and it has button control.
when page is first lime load this property is set to false.
when use click on button then client post bask is occur so it set to true.
Using of the IsPostback Property we can check that page is Postback or not if page postback property is true then page is being post back if property is false then page is not postback
Reference :
First of all, "IsPostBack" is an property in ASP.Net Page andit returns truewhen the page postedback by server otherwise it will return true.
Say for example, you have a button in an aspx page and when yourequest the page in the url, the "ispostback" propertyset as "false"when you click on the buttonthe page will submit ( postedback)to the web server (IIS) and the page is processed by the IIS and sent it to browser. At this time it will set the "ispostback" as true.
IsPostBack property tells that the page is rendered first time or it is posted back by some server control. If it returns true, it means it is posted back by some control like button click.