
WinApp not displaying picture box until button pressed...

Rob Sobol

Rob Sobol


Easy question for someone.....in the code below, why does pictureBox1 not display the rectangle as coded in the Form1 routine, but when I press the Button1, it appears?

    I wrote this test program because I have a program where I have a pictureBox and a gridView in a TabControl.  I bind the gridView and draw in the pictureBox when the form loads, but when I click on the tab, the gridView displays the data, but the pictureBox is empty. If I re-draw in the picturebox or rebind the gridview based on a button click, all gets displayed perfectly. 

  Am I using the wrong function to create the rectangle? Should I be using some Drawxxx instead of CreateGraphics?

 Thank you in advance for your time and expertise in helping on this matter. Beers on me !


namespace WindowsFormsTestRectangle
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
            Rectangle r = new Rectangle(2, 2, 20, 10); //left,top,width,heigth
            pictureBox1.CreateGraphics().FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, r);    //nothing gets displayed

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Rectangle r = new Rectangle(2, 2, 20, 10); //left,top,width,heigth
            pictureBox1.CreateGraphics().FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, r);    //works fine

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