
Window Forms help



I'm new to C# visual studio 2003 and wanted to create a window forms.
I would like to creat a form within form. Lets call the main form form_a and the two other forms that are inside form_a called form_b and form_c.

Where form_a is the main form that is not resizable and form_b is inside form_a and form_c also inside form_a. Form_b would be located on the left side of form_a from top to bottom with form_c below it. Form_b & form_c would only take up about 25% of form_a space. Wouild like to be able to resize form_b or form_c by clicking on the horizontal bar between these two forms then if scrolled up form_b would shrink and form_c would get bigger. 
I would really like to learn how to do this. If anyone could tell me which good books or web sites explain this I would really apprecaite it.

Thanks Marty
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