
Windows Vista Error when program started

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Hello I just completed the first phase of developling a windows application, and on loading the application on my windows vista i somtimes get error from vista tell me that the program has stopped working, this occurs when i have lots of programs running. now i ran this on my VS in debug mode and what i noticed brougth up the debuging tool was the constructor of my startup form, which a connection to a database is attached, somtimes it times out in an attempt to connect, thats when the debug comes up, so i did a try catch code for this and created a recursive statment in the catch, but still i get that vista problem when i deploy the apps., although i dont get the debug comin up when i run the app from VS. please can anyone tell me what to do. Here is the code of the constructor of my first page public Processor() { Connectme = @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\MyBase.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; Command = "SELECT*FROM table01"; ConnectDatabase(); } public void ConnectDatabase() { try { myconnect.ConnectionString = Connectme; OpenDatabase(); } catch (Exception e) { CloseDatabase(); myconnect.ConnectionString = Connectme; ConnectDatabase(); } myadapter = new SqlDataAdapter(Command, Connectme); mybuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(myadapter); table01 = new DataTable(); myadapter.Fill(table01); }

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