Hello! I need this website done with xhtml and asp vb script. I also want it to be connected with oracle sql so i will need the oracle tables as well with sample data in each table so that i can add them in my oracle account when i go to the university. I will also need to have explanation for each line of the code because i will be assessed on that. i will need a webpage similar to other talent agents websites similar to youtube where a user can create an account and upload video files or music files and other users will be able to log in and comment on them. Please read the brief and add anything you like. I need a simple webpage with simple interface that looks good. you can decide how it looks. thanks!
i have attached a file with further info which can be useful for the development of the website. I need it by the 22nd of May.
Willing to Pay up to $400
Attachment: projectasp.rar