SkewTransform in WPF

SkewTransform is used to skew or shear an element. Shear can be used to add depth to elements to give them a 3-D look.


The AngleX and AngleY properties are used to specify the skew angle of the x-axis and y-axis, and to skew the current coordinate system along these axes. The CenterX and CenterY properties represent the X and Y coordinates of the center point.


The code listed in Listing creates two rectangles with same position and sizes accept the second rectangle is skewed at 45 degrees towards x-axis.  


<Rectangle Width="200" Height="50" Fill="Yellow" Margin="61,27,117,184" />

<Rectangle Width="200" Height="50" Fill="Blue"  Opacity="0.5" Margin="59,101,119,110">


        <SkewTransform CenterX="0" CenterY="0" AngleX="45" AngleY="0" />




The output of Listing looks like Figure 1.



Figure 1


The code listed in Listing creates a SkewTransform object dynamically and set it as RenderTransform property of a Rectangle. The output looks like Figure 1.


private void SkewTransformSample()


    Rectangle originalRectangle = new Rectangle();

    originalRectangle.Width = 200;

    originalRectangle.Height = 50;

    originalRectangle.Fill = Brushes.Yellow;



    Rectangle skewedRectangle = new Rectangle();

    skewedRectangle.Width = 200;

    skewedRectangle.Height = 50;

    skewedRectangle.Fill = Brushes.Blue;

    skewedRectangle.Opacity = 0.5;

    SkewTransform skewTransform1 = new SkewTransform(45, 0, -50, 50);

    skewedRectangle.RenderTransform = skewTransform1;




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