On 12 June, Join ASP.NET MVC 5.0: Class 2
Where: H-217, First Floor, Sector 63, Noida
Duration: 3 Hours - 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Price: Free of cost
Requirement: Bring your laptop and internet card
On 12 June 2015 we are going to teach you following topics,
- ASP.NET MVC 5.0 Views Model Binding
- Dynamic Binding
- Strongly Typed Binding
- Using Wrapper Classes with Multiple Model
- Using HTML Helper Class
- Using “WebGrid” on View Page
- Editing
- Updating
- Deleting
- Sorting
- Paging
- Custom Action Calling
Registration starts at 05:30 PM. So we request you to be there at 05:30 PM to get a seat.
Nitin Pandit @thinkaboutnitin
Nitin is having 4.1 years of vast experience in software industry with rich skill set of designing, integrating, implementing, ORM with LINQ, WCF, MVC & managing IT/Web applications.
Queries concerning your registration should be addressed to
chapters@c-sharpcorner.com or call at
0120- 4256016.