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Delhi Chapter
Delhi Chapter

Delhi Developer's Day: Learn SignalR, JavaScript, Mobility with Windows, and C# 6.0

May 31, 2015
Praveen Moosad Delhi Chapter

On 31 May learn SignalR, JavaScript, Mobility with Windows, ASP.NET 5 and C# 6.0

When: 31 May 2015

Where: H-217, First Floor, Sector 63, Noida

Price: Free of cost

Requirement: Optional to bring your laptop and internet card

On 31 May 2015 we are going to teach you following topics,

  • Learn Concepts of SignalR in .NET

    • SignalR Fundamental
    • Getting Started
    • Demo

  • Simplifying JavaScript to .NET developers

    • JavaScript functions as an expression or a statement
    • Return statements and parameters in JavaScript functions
    • The Arguments object
    • Scopes in JavaScript
    • Function as constructor
    • This keyword in JavaScript
    • Nested functions
    • The call() and the apply() methods
    • Object as literal
    • Object using the new operator and constructors
    • Object using the Object.create() static method

  • Mobility with Windows

    • Mobile Application a change in paradigm
    • Platform Choices - Native, Web, HTML5, Hybrid and Xamarin
    • Unified Application Model for Traditional and Mobile Computing with Windows
    • A detailed walkthrough of Project Structure in Visual Studio
    • MVVM - A Design Pattern for XAML based Apps
    • Demo

  • Learn ASP.NET 5: Part 4

    Please take a review of Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3

    • Overview
    • Introducing .NET Core
    • What is the .NET Execution Environment?
    • Demo on security - two factor authentication

  • Getting Starting With C# 6.0 in Visual Studio 2015

    • using Static
    • Auto property initializer
    • Dictionary Initializer
    • nameof Expression
    • New way for Exception filters
    • Null - Conditional Operator
    • Expression - Bodied Methods
    • Easily format strings - String interpolation

Registration starts at 09:00 AM. So we request you to be there at 09:00 to get a seat.

Session details are as follows,

Learn Concepts of SignalR in .NET Sunny Kumar 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Simplifying JavaScript to .NET developers Dhananjay Kumar 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Mobility with Windows Vishal Kaushik 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM
Lunch N/A 01:30 PM - 02:00 PM
Learn ASP.NET 5: Part 4 Sumit Jolly 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Getting Starting With C# 6.0 in Visual Studio 2015 Nitin Pandit 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
My journey with C# Corner
Nimit Joshi
04:30 PM - 05:00 PM



Dhananjay Kumar @debug_mode

He is 6 times Microsoft MVP, one of top member's C# Corner community, and consultant for Infragistics. He is known for his unique way of teaching and writing. He has authored more than 850 blog posts and delivered around 70 community sessions.

Nitin Pandit @thinkaboutnitin

Nitin is having 4.1 years of vast experience in software industry with rich skill set of designing, integrating, implementing , ORM with LINQ,WCF,MVC & managing IT/Web applications.

Sumit Jolly @sumitjolly

Sumit is worked primarily on MS platform and related technologies and having 9+ years of experience. He spoken at various conferences and attended many tech meetup.

Sunny Kumar @Sunny_Delhi

Sunny is a .NET developer by profession and Evangelist by passion. He is a C# Corner MVP. Knowledge sharing is one of his best hobbies.

Vishal Kaushik @kaushik_vishal

Vishal Kaushik is a Software Architect by profession, who believes Software is best way of his self-expression, and his contribution to mankind. He seeks opportunities to build innovative software solutions that can benefit its direct and indirect Consumers in small or big ways.

Queries concerning your registration should be addressed to or call at 0120- 4256016.

Chapters Leader

Microsoft MVP | C# Corner MVP | Tech Lead | Speaker | Developer | Author | Freelancer | Blogger

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gaurav singh
Helpful session l learn lot of things. Thanks to c# corner
chandan kumar
java script is omnipresent. Let see the seesion!!
Rajneesh Master
Do i need to concern myself with unavailability of seat even if i reach there on time, like few seats and too many people because i will be coming from very long distance.
Dhananjay  Kumar
excited to present !
vishnu vardhan reddy sura
this event is held in online or not
Deepak Rawat
Knowledgeable event going to happen
Upendra Pratap Shahi
Mahesh Chand
I like topic My journey with C# Corner. Interesting.
Vijay Kumar
any possible to learn online
Sorry Vijay Kumar. This is an offline event.
Saber Shaikh