Ahmedabad Chapter
Ahmedabad Chapter

Learn SQL server and ASP.NET Core

Manish Tewatia Ahmedabad Chapter
On May 13, Join Ahmedabad Chapter to learn SQL server and ASP.NET Core CRUD operation.
Where: Er. Jinal Shah Coaching Classes, 108 Aarohi complex, Near Rasranjan, Opp Qwichies Restauran, Near Vijay Cross Road, Ahmedabad.
Price: Free of cost
Requirement: Optionally bring your laptop and internet card with you.
On May 13, we will cover the following topics, 
  • ASP.NET Core – CRUD operation
    • Introduction to Entity Framework core
    • Steps to perform CRUD operation with asp.net core and entity framework core
  • SQL Server – table variable
    • Table variables are convenient and extremely easy to work with. At the same time, excessive use of table variables can have a negative impact on performance. We take a look at some of the most important things to take care of when working with table variables
Registration starts at 09:00 AM. So we request you to be there at 09:00 to get a seat.
Session details are as follows,

Being careful with table variables – SQL server
Nakul Vachhrajani
9:30 to 10:30 AM
CRUD Operations With ASP.NET MVC Core And Entity Framework Core Jignesh Trivedi 10:45 to 01:00 PM

Queries concerning your registration should be addressed to [email protected] or call at 0120- 4256016.

  • NA 61k 14.2m
  • NA 1k 0
Chapters Leader

Jignesh Trivedi is a Developer, C# Corner MVP, Microsoft MVP, Author, Blogger,eager to learn new technologies

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