
About Desktop Spying Project

Arup Dolui

Arup Dolui

Project Abstract: This project mainly deals with controlling and monitoring the remote system like, capturing remote desktop image, executing application in remote systems, interacting with remote system, Online teaching, online debugging and remote system shutdown in the network. These activities are vital for the administrator to keep track of various information about the users in the network (LAN).

The administrator must know the IP address of the system in the network to make the application work. In the server application the remote client system's IP address is specified in the address field and the connection is established by clicking the connect button.

The administrator must know the IP address of the systems in the network to make the application work. In the server application the remote client system's IP address specified in the address field and the connection is established by clicking the connect button.

Please help me to develop the project using socket programming in c#.