I created a wcf service and a wcf client following the microsoft tutorial.
When I test the communication on the same machine, everything works fine, but when I run the server on a different machine ( and the client from the machine ( does not work.
I tried to run svcutil to create a new proxy and configuration file as follows:
svcutil.exe /config:app.config /out:generatedProxy.cs /language:cs
but I get the following error:
Intentando descargar metadatos de '' con WS-Metadata Exchange o DISCO. Microsoft (R) Service Model Metadata Tool [Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Communication Foundation, versión 4.0.30319.1] © Microsoft Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos. Error: No se pueden obtener metadatos de
How I can do to make communication between services?
Greetings and thanks