
Connect to sql server from Android Application

Can I connect to sql server database installed in my pc from android application through wifi withot webservice..?
Answers (4)
Mohammed Ashraf

Mohammed Ashraf

NA 467 30.9k 7y
Dear Mukhil Vendhan Sir,
First of all thanks for reply.
Here I have a doubt that, when I install the jdbc included apk file in my mobile, can I connect my app to the MS Sql db through lan network with same wifi connction.
Please rectify
Mukil Vendhan

Mukil Vendhan

NA 598 962 7y
kindly follow this link:http://seotoolzz.com/android/android-login-app-with-mssql-server.php
 and mostly check for tis:https://convertdb.com/sqlite/mysql
Mohammed Ashraf

Mohammed Ashraf

NA 467 30.9k 7y
Dear Sir.
 I  have created two application one is windows form application with MS Sql 2008 installed on my PC and second is a Android application with sqlite DB installed in my mobile. Both are accounting application. I want to sync both database.
Please note that I have no facility of webservice.
Here, I want to know a possibility to connect sqlite database with MS Sql db directly through wifi lan network.
If I can, please give details
Gokhul Varman

Gokhul Varman

NA 10.7k 9.4k 7y
Please refer the link for detailed explanation:https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-connect-main-activity-of-android-app-to-SQL-database