
How to call multiple value store in List?

Vishal Gundage

Vishal Gundage

Jan 23 2018 4:46 AM
hello,My question is I have store 3 or more username and password in app.config file then this appsettings data i will store in list Then i will create one forloop to execute data one by one
list<strings>values=in this values i will store appsettings and with help of forloop i want to execute as for(int i=0;i<values.count;i++)
here i have some class which i want to connect as follows
connectionoptions conn=new connoptions();
conn.username=values(i);here i want to add 3 or more username at one to know the username while complie
conn.password=values(i) here i want to add 3 or more password at one .....and so on..
then here we can see add values(i) towards username and password it doing well i m or not tell me buddys how i add tellme guys.. i hope we understood i m trying..

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