thank you very much........
this link is only for send the notifications how can i click and access the notification.
and then if i saw the notification means it cann't highlighted and new notification comes then highlight the new notification...
Please follow
Sending Notifications using ASP.NET SignalR
http://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/sending-notifications-using-asp.net-signalr.htm 0
i want code for ASP.NET ,C# please give any related link other wise explain briefly
Just basic idea to move on
Suppose you have table
ID (PrimaryKey) NotificationByUserId (ForeignKey) IsNotified (Bool) (Default false)
When any activity happen please insert record in this table and use following article to refresh record from table in an time interval
Once record view done please mark IsNotified as False
I hope this will help you to move on
for example facebook , my friend like my profile picture means i got the notification and i click the notification i want see like her photo... otherwise like a C# Corner notification
i want this type of code in ASP .Net Webforms and C#
You question is not clear
1) You did not mentions what are you using asp.net MVC or web forums and with which language
2) Where you want to display notification, do you want to display notification like c# Corner notification