
Is pure MVC acrhitecture good or Middle end architecture

MVC architecture
I am sure there are 1000 of articles  about MVC
These are the drawbacks what I have observed
  • It states UI is completed isolated.That being said, we can still have server side data in view
  • Web designers have to learn MVC related syntax like html helpers
  • If the middle tier that is the controller changes then we need to change the view
  • The view is not the final html. Actual htlml file is rendered
Middle tier architecture
Def : view is pure html. We get data via web Api. Data is rendered as JSON.
  •   View is not dependent on any technology.takes data from web Api and displays it
  •  Web designers as not forced to learn any new technology
  •  Html what we see is the actual html what is rendered.
I know there are lot of advantages of MVC.Can you please help me justify.