
make a chart dynamically with javascript and aspx

I have script script javascript make a chart like :
{ title: "Cimahi Utara", value : 80, color: "#0076FF" },
{ title: "Cimahi Tengah", value: 10, color: "#00A6FF" },
{ title: "Cimahi Selatan", value: 10, color: "#00DDFF" }

], {
baseColor: '#FFF',
baseOffset: 0,
animateRotate: false,
edgeOffset : 90,
textContainerOffset: 50,
percentageInnerCutout: 50,
afterDrawed: function() {

{ title: "Cimahi Utara", value : 80, color: "#FFE600" },
{ title: "Cimahi Tengah", value: 10, color: "#FFC000" },
{ title: "Cimahi Selatan", value: 10, color: "#FF9D00" }
], {
baseColor: '#FFF',
baseOffset: 0,
animateRotate: true,
edgeOffset : 90,
textContainerOffset: 50,
percentageInnerCutout: 50,
afterDrawed: function() {

{ title: "Cimahi Utara", value : 80, color: "#30A2FF" },
{ title: "Cimahi Tengah", value: 10, color: "#49C8FF" },
{ title: "Cimahi Selatan", value: 10, color: "#5CEFFF" }
], {
baseColor: '#FFF',
baseOffset: 0,
animateRotate: true,
edgeOffset : 90,
textContainerOffset: 50,
percentageInnerCutout: 50,
afterDrawed: function() {

{ title: "Cimahi Utara", value : 80, color: "#0076FF" },
{ title: "Cimahi Tengah", value: 10, color: "#00A6FF" },
{ title: "Cimahi Selatan", value: 10, color: "#00DDFF" }
], {
baseColor: '#FFF',
baseOffset: 0,
animateRotate: true,
edgeOffset : 90,
textContainerOffset: 50,
percentageInnerCutout: 50,
afterDrawed: function() {


// ????jquery.drawDoughnutChart.js
(function ( $ ) {
$.fn.drawDoughnutChart = function(data, options) {
var $this = this,
W = $this.width(),
H = $this.height(),
centerX = W/2,
centerY = H/2,
cos = Math.cos,
sin = Math.sin,
PI = Math.PI,
settings = $.extend({
segmentShowStroke : true,
segmentStrokeColor : "#0C1013",
segmentStrokeWidth : 0,
baseColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
baseOffset: 4,
edgeOffset : 20,//offset from edge of $this
textContainerOffset: 10, // offset of textContainer of $this
percentageInnerCutout : 75,
animation : true,
animationSteps : 90,
animationEasing : "easeInOutExpo",
animateRotate : true,
animateFadeDelay: 200,
tipOffsetX: -8,
tipOffsetY: -45,
tipClass: "doughnutTip",
animationFadeDuration: 200,
summaryClass: "doughnutSummary",
summaryTitle: "TOTAL:",
summaryTitleClass: "doughnutSummaryTitle",
summaryNumberClass: "doughnutSummaryNumber",
labelOffset: 20,
beforeDraw: function() { },
afterDrawed : function() { },
onPathEnter : function(e,data) { },
onPathLeave : function(e,data) { }
}, options),
animationOptions = {
linear : function (t) {
return t;
easeInOutExpo: function (t) {
var v = t<.5 ? 8*t*t*t*t : 1-8*(--t)*t*t*t;
return (v>1) ? 1 : v;
requestAnimFrame = function() {
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(callback) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);


var $svg = $('<svg width="' + W + '" height="' + H + '" viewBox="0 0 ' + W + ' ' + H + '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"></svg>').appendTo($this),
$paths = [],
$pieGroups = [],
easingFunction = animationOptions[settings.animationEasing],
doughnutRadius = Min([H / 2,W / 2]) - settings.edgeOffset,
textContainerRdius = Min([H / 2,W / 2]) - settings.textContainerOffset,
cutoutRadius = doughnutRadius * (settings.percentageInnerCutout / 100),
segmentTotal = 0;

var $defs = $(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'defs')).appendTo($svg);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
$(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'marker'))
id: 'arrow-' + i,
viewBox: "0 0 10 10",
markerWidth: '10',
markerHeight: '10',
'refX': '1',
'refY': '5',
orient: 'auto'
$(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'))
d: 'M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z',
fill: data[i].color


//Draw base doughnut
var baseDoughnutRadius = doughnutRadius + settings.baseOffset,
baseCutoutRadius = cutoutRadius - settings.baseOffset;
$(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'))
"d": getHollowCirclePath(baseDoughnutRadius, baseCutoutRadius),
"fill": settings.baseColor

//Set up pie segments wrapper
var $pathGroup = $(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g'));
$pathGroup.attr({opacity: 1}).appendTo($svg);

//Set up tooltip
var $tip = $('<div class="' + settings.tipClass + '" />').appendTo('body').hide(),
tipW = $tip.width(),
tipH = $tip.height();

//Set up center text area
// var summarySize = (cutoutRadius - (doughnutRadius - cutoutRadius)) * 2,
// $summary = $('<div class="' + settings.summaryClass + '" />')
// .appendTo($this)
// .css({
// width: summarySize + "px",
// height: summarySize + "px",
// "margin-left": -(summarySize / 2) + "px",
// "margin-top": -(summarySize / 2) + "px"
// });
// var $summaryTitle = $('<p class="' + settings.summaryTitleClass + '">' + settings.summaryTitle + '</p>').appendTo($summary);
// var $summaryNumber = $('<p class="' + settings.summaryNumberClass + '"></p>').appendTo($summary).css({opacity: 0});

for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
segmentTotal += data[i].value;

$pieGroup = $(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g'))
'fill-opacity': 0,
id: 'path-' + i
$pieGroups[i] = $pieGroup;

$paths[i] = $(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'))
"stroke-width": settings.segmentStrokeWidth,
"stroke": settings.segmentStrokeColor,
"fill": data[i].color,
"data-order": i,
"fill-opacity": 0
.delay(settings.animateFadeDelay * i)
.animate({'fill-opacity': '1'}, settings.animateFadeDelay)
// .appendTo($pathGroup);
// .on("mouseenter", pathMouseEnter)
// .on("mouseleave", pathMouseLeave)
// .on("mousemove", pathMouseMove);

//Animation start
// animationLoop(drawPieSegments);
function getHollowCirclePath(doughnutRadius, cutoutRadius) {
//Calculate values for the path.
//We needn't calculate startRadius, segmentAngle and endRadius, because base doughnut doesn't animate.
var startRadius = -1.570,// -Math.PI/2
segmentAngle = 6.2831,// 1 * ((99.9999/100) * (PI*2)),
endRadius = 4.7131,// startRadius + segmentAngle
startX = centerX + cos(startRadius) * doughnutRadius,
startY = centerY + sin(startRadius) * doughnutRadius,
endX2 = centerX + cos(startRadius) * cutoutRadius,
endY2 = centerY + sin(startRadius) * cutoutRadius,
endX = centerX + cos(endRadius) * doughnutRadius,
endY = centerY + sin(endRadius) * doughnutRadius,
startX2 = centerX + cos(endRadius) * cutoutRadius,
startY2 = centerY + sin(endRadius) * cutoutRadius;
var cmd = [
'M', startX, startY,
'A', doughnutRadius, doughnutRadius, 0, 1, 1, endX, endY,//Draw outer circle
'Z',//Close path
'M', startX2, startY2,//Move pointer
'A', cutoutRadius, cutoutRadius, 0, 1, 0, endX2, endY2,//Draw inner circle
cmd = cmd.join(' ');
return cmd;
function pathMouseEnter(e) {
var order = $(this).data().order;
$tip.text(data[order].title + ": " + data[order].value)
function pathMouseLeave(e) {
function pathMouseMove(e) {
top: e.pageY + settings.tipOffsetY,
left: e.pageX - $tip.width() / 2 + settings.tipOffsetX

function drawPieSegments (animationDecimal) {
var startRadius = -PI / 2,//-90 degree
rotateAnimation = 1;
if (settings.animation && settings.animateRotate) rotateAnimation = animationDecimal;//count up between0~1

// drawDoughnutText(animationDecimal, segmentTotal);

// $pathGroup.attr("opacity", animationDecimal);

//If data have only one value, we draw hollow circle(#1).
if (data.length === 1 && (4.7122 < (rotateAnimation * ((data[0].value / segmentTotal) * (PI * 2)) + startRadius))) {
$paths[0].attr("d", getHollowCirclePath(doughnutRadius, cutoutRadius));

function animateTextContainer($textContainer, i) {
setTimeout(function() {
$textContainer.animate({opacity: 1}, {duration: settings.animateFadeDelay})
}, settings.animateFadeDelay * i);

for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
var segmentAngle = rotateAnimation * ((data[i].value / segmentTotal) * (PI * 2)),
labelAngle = segmentAngle / 2,
labelRadius = startRadius + labelAngle,
labelEndX = centerX + cos(labelRadius) * doughnutRadius,
labelEndY = centerY + sin(labelRadius) * doughnutRadius,
textX = centerX + cos(labelRadius) * (textContainerRdius),
textY = centerY + sin(labelRadius) * (textContainerRdius),

endRadius = startRadius + segmentAngle,
largeArc = ((endRadius - startRadius) % (PI * 2)) > PI ? 1 : 0,
startX = centerX + cos(startRadius) * doughnutRadius,
startY = centerY + sin(startRadius) * doughnutRadius,
endX2 = centerX + cos(startRadius) * cutoutRadius,
endY2 = centerY + sin(startRadius) * cutoutRadius,
endX = centerX + cos(endRadius) * doughnutRadius,
endY = centerY + sin(endRadius) * doughnutRadius,
startX2 = centerX + cos(endRadius) * cutoutRadius,
startY2 = centerY + sin(endRadius) * cutoutRadius;
var cmd = [
'M', startX, startY,//Move pointer
'A', doughnutRadius, doughnutRadius, 0, largeArc, 1, endX, endY,//Draw outer arc path
'L', startX2, startY2,//Draw line path(this line connects outer and innner arc paths)
'A', cutoutRadius, cutoutRadius, 0, largeArc, 0, endX2, endY2,//Draw inner arc path
'Z'//Cloth path
$paths[i].attr("d", cmd.join(' '));

// ???
// $svg.append(
// $(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'line'))
// .attr({
// x1: centerY,
// y1: centerY,
// x2: labelEndX,
// y2: labelEndY,
// // stroke: '#000',
// 'marker-end': 'url(#arrow-'+ i +')',
// 'fill-opacity': 0
// })
// .delay(settings.animateFadeDelay * i)
// .animate({'fill-opacity': '1'}, settings.animateFadeDelay)
// );

// ???
var $textContainer = $('<div class="pie-text-container"><div class="text-number" style="color: '+data[i].color+';">'+(data[i].value / segmentTotal).toFixed(2) * 100 + '</div><div class="text-title" style="background-color: '+data[i].color+'">' + data[i].title + '</div></div>')
position: 'none',
top: textY,
left: textX,
opacity: 0

// ??????
textY = textY - $textContainer.height() / 2;
textX = textX - $textContainer.width() / 2;
top: textY,
left: textX
animateTextContainer($textContainer, i);
startRadius += segmentAngle;
function drawDoughnutText(animationDecimal, segmentTotal) {
.css({opacity: animationDecimal})
.text((segmentTotal * animationDecimal).toFixed(1));
function animateFrame(cnt, drawData) {
var easeAdjustedAnimationPercent =(settings.animation)? CapValue(easingFunction(cnt), null, 0) : 1;
function animationLoop(drawData) {
var animFrameAmount = (settings.animation)? 1 / CapValue(settings.animationSteps, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1) : 1,
cnt =(settings.animation)? 0 : 1;
requestAnimFrame(function() {
cnt += animFrameAmount;
animateFrame(cnt, drawData);
if (cnt <= 1) {
} else {
function Max(arr) {
return Math.max.apply(null, arr);
function Min(arr) {
return Math.min.apply(null, arr);
function isNumber(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
function CapValue(valueToCap, maxValue, minValue) {
if (isNumber(maxValue) && valueToCap > maxValue) return maxValue;
if (isNumber(minValue) && valueToCap < minValue) return minValue;
return valueToCap;
return this;

}( jQuery ));
 can I change value on javascript in aspx.cs? how?
Answers (2)


NA 65 0 20y
Much easier to create an insert command object and then run it using executeNonQuery() You just set the value for the Name, ID will be handled by the database. and by the way, this is C# forum, so what's this Dim overthere?