
PHP, Windows Server 2008, FastCGI




Hey guys!

I'm an experienced .net developer - but not much knowleged about PHP.
I'm trying to setup a simple wordpress installation on an existing Windows Server 2008. I have installed PHP 5.3, mysql db ...when i run the CMD to execute a local PHP page the CMD returns all the correct HTML...so the PHP thing itself seams to work...

If i acess a HTML/.aspx file in the browser - it response perfect ... but when i try to access a PHP file remotely like index.php it  returns 404. When i run it local at the server it simply just download the file...i use FASTcgi and i HAVE setup a FastCgi ext. module in IIS 7.5...

I just read at Wiki...that they also install the following: 

I still ask this question - because i would be happy to know if you guys have any idear - will do the trick?

I'm in a hurry, and dont have the option to work on it within the next couple of days ...so all help is very appreciated!!

Thanx in advance!


Answers (2)