
what is the reason the static method was not firing ?

Prasad Bhagat

Prasad Bhagat

Dear All,
please find the bellow code .
public partial class Form1 : Form
static ImpinjReader reader = new ImpinjReader();
public Form1()
private void Connect()
IPAddress ipAddress = new IPAddress(new byte[] { 169, 254, 1, 1 });
//IPAddress ipAddress = new IPAddress(new byte[] { 192, 168, 0, 112 });
TcpListener lsnr = new TcpListener(ipAddress, 14150);
// Connect to the reader.
// Change the ReaderHostname constant in SolutionConstants.cs
// to the IP address or hostname of your reader.
// Get the default settings
// We'll use these as a starting point
// and then modify the settings we're
// interested in.
Settings settings = reader.QueryDefaultSettings();
// Tell the reader to include the antenna number
// in all tag reports. Other fields can be added
// to the reports in the same way by setting the
// appropriate Report.IncludeXXXXXXX property.
settings.Report.IncludeAntennaPortNumber = true;
// Set the reader mode, search mode and session
settings.ReaderMode = ReaderMode.AutoSetDenseReader;
settings.SearchMode = SearchMode.DualTarget;
settings.Session = 2;
// Enable antenna #1. Disable all others.
settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(2).IsEnabled = true;
// Set the Transmit Power and
// Receive Sensitivity to the maximum.
settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(2).MaxTxPower = true;
settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(2).MaxRxSensitivity = true;
// You can also set them to specific values like this...
//settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).TxPowerInDbm = 20;
//settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).RxSensitivityInDbm = -70;
// Apply the newly modified settings.
// Assign the TagsReported event handler.
// This specifies which method to call
// when tags reports are available.
//reader.TagsReported +=reader_TagsReported;
reader.TagsReported += new ImpinjReader.TagsReportedHandler(reader_TagsReported);
// Start reading.
// Wait for the user to press enter.
//Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit.");
// Stop reading.
// Disconnect from the reader.
catch (OctaneSdkException e)
// Handle Octane SDK errors.
MessageBox.Show("Octane SDK exception: " + e.Message.ToString());
catch (Exception e)
// Handle other .NET errors.
MessageBox.Show("Exception : " + e.Message.ToString());
static void reader_TagsReported(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
foreach (Tag tag in report)
//lblResult.Text = tag.AntennaPortNumber.ToString() + "\n" + tag.Epc.ToString() + "\n" + tag.Epc.CountBytes.ToString();
MessageBox.Show("Antenna : " + tag.AntennaPortNumber.ToString());
MessageBox.Show("EPC : " + tag.Epc.ToString());
MessageBox.Show("CountBytes : " + tag.Epc.CountBytes.ToString());
MessageBox.Show("Data : " + tag.Epc.ToString());
private void btnReadTag_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
in the abow program the  static void reader_TagsReported  THE METHOD WAS NOT FIRING PLEASE HELP ME
Answers (1)
Bhuvanesh Mohankumar

Bhuvanesh Mohankumar

NA 14.4k 1.3m 8y
Please check some of the below details.
Make the static methods to public access
ImpinjReader - Object is made as static - change it to normal object and try that.