Scott Lysle's top articles

TreeView Control in C#

Apr 16, 2007 789.5k 26

Upload any type of File through a C# Web Service

May 04, 2007 643.8k 28

Upload any type of File through a C# Web Service

May 04, 2007 643.8k 28

Send Text Message to Cell Phones from a C# Application

Dec 11, 2006 479.4k 41

Send Text Message to Cell Phones from a C# Application

Dec 11, 2006 479.4k 41

Display Videos in ASP.NET 2.0

Aug 29, 2007 447.6k 73

LINQ to SQL in C#

Jul 24, 2010 367.2k 34

Fill in PDF Form Fields Using the Open Source iTextSharp DLL

Jun 18, 2007 358.7k 36

Send Email Messages and Attachments Using C#

Aug 05, 2008 304.5k 24

Find the First and Last Days of the Month with C#

Oct 31, 2007 296.4k 19

Find the First and Last Days of the Month with C#

Oct 31, 2007 296.4k 19

Build a Simple Watermarking Utility in C#

May 07, 2007 212k 10

Transparent Borderless Forms in C#

Oct 30, 2007 210.4k 1

Mapping with a GPS and C#

Sep 05, 2007 208.6k 23

Mapping with a GPS and C#

Sep 05, 2007 208.6k 23

Error Provider in C#

Mar 09, 2007 173k 6

Word Processing with an Extended Rich Text Box Control

Aug 09, 2007 168.5k 22

Using the DocX DLL to Programmatically Create Word Documents

Oct 29, 2012 160.8k 7

Create Your Own Custom File Type

Dec 08, 2006 157.9k 13

Easy Date Validation in C#

Feb 23, 2009 154.5k 6

Easy Date Validation in C#

Feb 23, 2009 154.5k 6

Using Lightbox in an ASP.NET Application (C#)

Nov 17, 2008 151.4k 18

Bind Objects to a DataGridView Control

Feb 12, 2007 144k 1

Bind Objects to a DataGridView Control

Feb 12, 2007 144k 1

Passing Data Between Windows Forms

Jan 16, 2007 141.3k 13

Compress Folders with C# and SharpZipLib

Apr 25, 2007 140k 8

An Easy Way to Embed Word in a Web Page

Jan 24, 2007 125.3k 12

An Easy Way to Embed Word in a Web Page

Jan 24, 2007 125.3k 12

Flash Player Custom Control for ASP.NET 2.0

Dec 05, 2006 123.2k 14

Working with Delimited Text Files in C#

Nov 03, 2011 121.8k 7

Windows Identity Foundation and Single Sign-On (SSO)

Oct 14, 2013 118k 3

Extend the Textbox Control to Validate Against Regular Expressions

Jan 05, 2007 116k 8

Extend the Textbox Control to Validate Against Regular Expressions

Jan 05, 2007 116k 8

Image Conversion Utility in C#

Sep 14, 2006 115.3k 4

Image Conversion Utility in C#

Sep 14, 2006 115.3k 4

Image Conversion Utility in C#

Sep 14, 2006 115.3k 4

Image Conversion Utility in C#

Sep 14, 2006 115.3k 4

Generic Data Access using LINQ to SQL and C#

Jul 22, 2008 115.3k 18

Geocode an address using Google Maps in VB.NET

Nov 09, 2012 115.2k 3

Aural Alert Generator (Voice and Tones)

Aug 25, 2006 112.2k 2

Killing Processes From a Windows Form Application in C#

May 01, 2008 107.2k 6

Test for User Group Membership in ASP.NET C#

Oct 13, 2008 97k 5

Add a Quick Map to a Windows Application

Mar 15, 2007 97k 19

Finding and Listing Processes in C#

Sep 10, 2007 95.8k 8

Use of the HtmlTextWriter Class to Render Custom Controls in VB.NET

Nov 10, 2012 91.9k 1

Paging and Sorting ListViews with ASP.NET MVC and jQuery

Mar 23, 2009 87k 6

Processing Command Line Arguments

Dec 27, 2006 86.1k 0

Using Filter Expressions with an SQL Data Source in ASP.NET C#

Oct 07, 2008 84.2k 4

Simple Search Panel in MVC 4

Aug 02, 2013 84k 5

Event and Error Logging

Dec 15, 2006 83.8k 2
 1 - 50 of 261