Scott Lysle's top articles

Application to Convert HL7 to XML

Oct 22, 2012 26.5k 2

ASP.NET, jQuery and Intellisense

Mar 29, 2009 26.2k 0

File Tampering Detection

Mar 06, 2007 26k 0

File Tampering Detection

Mar 06, 2007 26k 0

File Tampering Detection

Mar 06, 2007 26k 0

Geocoding a physical address using yahoo web services and c#

Jan 17, 2008 25.7k 0

Geocoding a physical address using yahoo web services and c#

Jan 17, 2008 25.7k 0

Cascading Deletes in LINQ to SQL

Jul 03, 2008 25.4k 1

Cascading Deletes in LINQ to SQL

Jul 03, 2008 25.4k 1

Implement a Win Forms Slider Control in ASP.NET 2.0

Dec 13, 2006 25k 1

Implement a Win Forms Slider Control in ASP.NET 2.0

Dec 13, 2006 25k 1

Programmatically Complete PDF Form Fields using VB and the iTextSharp DLL

Nov 09, 2012 24.5k 1

Capturing Screen Resolution Information

Jan 22, 2007 24.4k 3

Capturing Screen Resolution Information

Jan 22, 2007 24.4k 3

Capturing Screen Resolution Information

Jan 22, 2007 24.4k 3

Capturing Screen Resolution Information

Jan 22, 2007 24.4k 3

Monitor Internet Connection State in VB.NET

Nov 08, 2012 24.3k 0

Text to Speech in Visual Basic 2005 with VB.NET

Nov 09, 2012 24.2k 3

Apply Impersonation to Threading Using Visual Basic

Nov 09, 2012 23.8k 0

Easy Date Validation in Visual Basic

Nov 10, 2012 23.6k 0

Power Management From a Windows Forms Application

Jan 17, 2007 23k 1

Selecting Single Items With LINQ to SQL

Sep 23, 2012 23k 5

Determine the Time Since the Last Boot Up in Visual Basic

Nov 09, 2012 22.6k 3

LED Control Emulation in VB.NET

Nov 09, 2012 22.2k 1

Working with Server Controls with JQuery

Nov 05, 2012 22.1k 0

Just for Fun - A Small Piano Keyboard

Feb 02, 2007 21.9k 1

Just for Fun - A Small Piano Keyboard

Feb 02, 2007 21.9k 1

RSS Feed Link Reader in VB.NET

Nov 09, 2012 21.2k 0

Show Currency Values with a Visual Basic Custom Control in VB.NET

Nov 10, 2012 20.6k 0

Mimic the Appearance of Outlook's Sidebar with the Multi-view Control

Dec 14, 2006 20.2k 0

Mimic the Appearance of Outlook's Sidebar with the Multi-view Control

Dec 14, 2006 20.2k 0

Image Viewer User Control with Preview Capability in VB.NET

Nov 08, 2012 20.1k 0

Creating Image Free Gradient Buttons in C#

Nov 11, 2011 20k 0

Paging and Sorting ListViews with ASP.NET MVC and jQuery

Nov 09, 2012 19.8k 0

Enforce Text Case with Custom Controls

Apr 02, 2007 19.7k 1

Test for User Group Membership in VB.NET

Nov 08, 2012 19.7k 0

Image Mapping Utility

Feb 23, 2007 19.1k 0

Facilitate Use of Special Characters in a C# Text Editor Application

Feb 05, 2009 18.8k 0

Colorful Console Mode Applications in Visual Basic

Nov 10, 2012 17.2k 0

Finding and Listing Processes in VB.NET

Nov 09, 2012 16.5k 0

Forecast the Weather with a Custom Control in VB.NET

Nov 10, 2012 16.3k 0

Simple Web and RGB Color Picker Utility in VB.NET

Nov 08, 2012 16.3k 0

Building a UNIX Time to Date Conversion Custom Control in C#

Feb 15, 2008 16k 0

Building a UNIX Time to Date Conversion Custom Control in C#

Feb 15, 2008 16k 0

Implement a Win Forms Slider Control in VB.NET

Nov 09, 2012 15.8k 0

Manage Data in a Win Forms Application (without the Database)

May 12, 2008 15.6k 2

An easy approach to Displaying a ASP.NET 2.0 Message Box in VB.NET

Nov 10, 2012 15.4k 0

Plot Latitude and Longitude with Geocoder Web Service in VB.NET

Nov 09, 2012 15.2k 0

Day Night Auto Display Modes in VB.NET

Nov 09, 2012 15k 0

Using Lightbox in an ASP.NET Application in VB.NET

Nov 08, 2012 14.7k 2
 151 - 200 of 261