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Java Virtual Machine (JVM) In Oracle

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Oracle has embedded Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in its database engine giving developers the ability to create their Applications in a variety of programming models.
Components of Oracle Java Virtual Machine


                                             Figure: Oracle Java Virtual Machine
RDBMS Library Manager
Java objects are successfully loaded into the database. They are stored persistently as database library units, which are the database equivalent of the operating system files.
Class Loader
Java Virtual Machine provides an embedded Java class loader, which locates, loads and initializes local DBMS.
The class loader reads the class information and produces all of the data structures, required by Oracle Java Virtual Machine to execute Java code.
Native Compiler code
The Server environment is considered quite distinct from the client Application.
These native dynamically libraries are stored persistently in the database and are dynamically loaded by Oracle Java Virtual Machine.
   • SQLJ
   • Multithreading consideration
   • Database security features
   • The virtual private database
   • Partitioning Enhancements

Object Memory Garbage collector
Oracle Java Virtual Machine manager isolates Java Application and the rest of Oracle Java Virtual Machine from the details of the memory allocation and collection i.e. called Object Memory Garbage Collector.

Thus, we learnt, Oracle has embedded Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in its database engine giving developers the ability to create their Applications in a variety of programming models.