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Unicode System In Java

What is UNICODE in Java?

Unicode is a Universal international standard encoding. It is a new language standard. This is efficient of representing most of the world’s written languages.
Many other language use ASCII code system but Java uses UNICODE system.
Many other language standards caused two problems that are,
  1. Particular code value corresponds to the different letters in the various language standards.

  2. The encoding for the languages with the large character sets have a variable length. Some common characters are encoded as single bytes, other requires two or more byte.
Unicode solve the two problems due to which Java uses Unicode system.
In Unicode, character holds 2 byte due to which Java also uses 2 byte for the characters.
Its lowest value is - \u0000 and
Highest value is - \uFFFF.

Thus, we learnt UNICODE is a Universal international standard encoding and also learnt in Unicode, Character hold 2 bytes due to which Java also uses 2 byte for the characters.